Return and refund policy

If you feel that this item is not what you expected it to be you can return item in it’s original form within 2 weeks of purchase. These are one of a kind, handmade items that have imperfections and flaws, however if you do not bond with the piece, I ask you to pay shipping and I will issue you a full refund if item is in original form. 
Again, these are handmade items. I will always refund an item if the stone falls out. That being said if piece comes back to me and it’s beaten to hell and the stone fell out..I will not issue refund. 
within the two weeks if there is a ton of wear and tear on the piece of jewelry and it’s returned to me, I will not issue a refund. 
Now that the hard talk is over, I will do everything in my power to have an honest, trustworthy business. I am not here to get rich, I am here for passion reasons only.